Hiring Car Accident Lawyers in Luzerne County, PA

by | May 18, 2018 | Lawyer

Over 350 auto accidents occur each day in Pennsylvania. Not all of those accidents will require the use of skilled Car Accident Lawyers in Luzerne County PA, but many victims will need legal assistance following an accident. People have enough to worry about after an accident. Hiring the right attorney to assist with their claim can help to bring peace of mind to an accident victim, allowing them to focus on their recovery instead of legal issues.

Is an Attorney Necessary?

In the case of a minor accident with no injuries and insignificant property damage, an attorney is not usually worth the cost. The drivers involved can generally work out the claim with their insurance companies without elevating the claim any further. However, situations involving a death or serious injuries and significant property damage will benefit from the experience of a skilled attorney fighting on behalf of their client.

Reputation and Experience Matter

No two cases are alike, and an accident case requires specific legal experience. Look for an attorney who is experienced in handling accident and injury claims. These cases require extensive knowledge of both state and local traffic laws as well as medical and insurance procedures and terminology. This knowledge is obtained through extensive experience with similar cases.

Look for an attorney with an excellent reputation and with specific experience in cases similar to yours. Ask trusted individuals in the community about attorneys with solid reputations. Read reviews from former clients to gauge their satisfaction with their case resolution. Narrow down a list to a couple of prospective attorneys to contact for a consultation.

When to Contact an Attorney

Pennsylvania has a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time a victim has to bring a legal claim to court after an accident. As such, it is best to contact an attorney as quickly as possible after an accident. If paying for an attorney is causing an accident victim to hesitate in contacting one, don’t worry. Reputable attorneys offer free consultations to prospective clients, and they generally work on a contingent-basis, meaning they are paid a percentage of any compensation their client receives. Contact The Law Office of Robert D. Elias to schedule a free consultation with Car Accident Lawyers in Luzerne County PA. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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